Interspecies Communication

Posted on December 12th, 2009 by WhiteSong

I am a member of Interspecies Communication. I have always been struck with awe at the diversity of life on this planet. As a child I recognized my first medicine woman to be my great aunt Muggy. I was small when I met her for the first and only time.

Her little alarm dog checked us out at the door and guarded her. She assured us the dog would not hurt us but just wanted to see that we were safe to let in. We were instructed to just let her smell of us and she would calm down, which she did.

The little dog returned to her position of guard duty in my great aunts lap. I was totally fascinated to observe her speaking to the little dog just as she did to us, explaining to the dog who we were and why we were there and that she was safe. The dog settled down and relaxed then.

I saw this wonderful communication going on between two species and never got over the fact that my aunt speaks to and understood animals and vise versa. I knew then it was a path I had to follow.


In school I was interested in the psychology of humans and the diverse and unique perceptions each of have about life and reality, a reality based on concepts, which vary according to everything from family, neighborhood, race, culture and country.

Truly it is a crazy world we live in as we train our children when we ourselves are totally ignorant of what actually is going on.

Example, we think in pictures. Negative words and contractions do not have a picture. So when we tell a child, “do NOT touch the TV” the child, like a puppy who ONLY wishes to please you, sees in it’s mind “touch the TV’ (as there is no picture for NOT) and goes over immediately to touch the TV for you and is punished for purposely disobeying you. Tell them “Don’t let the cat out!” and they go let the cat out to please you. People are unaware of how thought registers in the brain. Nor do people realize that not every thought that passes through the mind is theirs or which ones are.

I have several individual points to make here before I join them together, so please bear with me.

I saw a nature program once that showed how insects see spectrums of light that we do not. It showed how flowers appear to us and then compared it to the eyesight of pollinators with their wider range of light reception.

What was viewed by our sight was a flat unicolor pedal with a center to it. What the insect saw had colored designs on each pedal that flag marked where the pollen and nectar was, just like an airport runway that guided them right to their target-destination.

National Geographic magazine once had an article on the spectrum of light. It was a large fold out piece that showed infrared and ultra violet light and X rays and Gamma rays and various cosmic rays that are out there.

There was this little tiny section on the fold out that measured the degree of light that our eyes can pick up and THIS is what we deem reality. Things outside of this range we as a culture do not accept as reality, yet.

However with our digital cameras we are now able to pick up occurrences that appear outside of our normal range of vision. Orbs appear in photos that act with intelligence with investigators. UFOs from other dimensions are appearing in photos that are not seen by the eye, and even an occasional Sasquatch is picked up when they were not visibly seen.

The same is happening with sound. We are just beginning to realize that elephants as well as whales generate and communicate with a very low frequency we do not hear that travel hundreds of miles. Now they even listen to the tiniest of fish communicating with inaudible grunts and clacks within their tiny communities and worlds. AWESOME indeed!


To my people it is common knowledge that when Creation first took place God made everything to speak one language, mankind, animal kind, and plant kind all understood one another and we lived in harmony. That way of being still exists for those who listen. To my people it is common to understand that a rock will speak to you. That a plant or forest will speak to you, that creatures inform you and that the wind or cloud beings speak to you if you are listening.

Predator and Prey instinctively know where they stand in nature. It is built into them just as blatantly as the position of their eyes on their skulls. A predator’s eyes are to the front and the eyes of prey are on the side so they can see further about themselves for protection.

They are observant in so many ways that we as humans, who fall somewhere in both categories since we have been both predator and prey, have abandoned because of our rational brain.

Animals and a few observant humans out there are highly sensitive to the silent language of the body. The tilt of the head, the arch of the back, the raise of a tail, the stiffness of the spine, the lick of the mouth, the lowering of the lids, the relax of a muscle, the rate of breath, the scent of the skin all speak loudly to the observant. If you pay attention you will notice that people fidget and whimper, sometimes almost inaudibly while you talk to them, speaking unconscious volumes.

I was blown away one evening when I attended a social gathering for a friend. I generally don’t attend gatherings as I appreciate more solitude atmospheres. So I was startled awake and fascinated when I realized my years in animal husbandry was translating the interaction of human body language.

It just clicked on and was full volume and often shockingly obvious! This woman is on the prowl, this man is ignoring women, those two are really into each other, this man feels he is gods gift, this person just said this to that one, this one is uncomfortable, that one is truly congenial, this on doesn’t feel well…

I was floored when my friend and I walked into a room and a man that knew her, stood up laughing with others, casually noticed us and spread his legs, put his hands on his hips with fingers pointing towards his groin and greeted us congenially right in front of his wife. When we left the room I asked my friend, “Did you SEE THAT?

It all just unraveled right before me from years of experience with animals. It wasn’t a thought, it was knowledge the silent language of nature. The language my people understand we all began with and understood- plant and animal alike and that includes us.


Whiskers. We all have them on some level. Not all of us use them. If you know a little about quantum science you know that all things vibrate at the molecular level. The rate of vibration determines the solidity of seemingly solid objects. Water changes from solid, to liquid, to vapor, which can pass through most everything. Our bodies are mostly water and space. Color is a vibration as are our bodies. Scientists and Doctors realize now that color has a definite affect of the well being of patients and humans in general. It should, it alters ones vibration. Wearing this color or that color affects the mood you’re in. The study of colors and choosing appropriate colors to wear can have beneficial affects on our mental condition as our thoughts also are a vibration, lest we forget that we are electrical biological units that can be jumpstarted with electrical current.

Animals are very sensitive to vibration because they are used to using their whiskers. I am not speaking solely of the vibrissae on the body and face, but the finer etheric sensory perception about the body, or energy field.

When one has enough experience with wildlife you might notice that it is almost as if they can ‘read your mind’. In fact the natural law of nature accommodates that along with body language.

Having taken Equestrian Dressage, which I am no master of by any means, I was so honored to get far enough into it before I damaged my spine and had to stop, that I was able to truly experience the flowing of energy or power coming from up from the horses legs, through his spine, up through my legs, core, spine, flowing through my arms, into and down the reins, with the subtle flow of “throughness” (if I am explaining this correctly) and was accomplishing what is sometimes referred to as ‘wearing the horse’. You feel as if you are a hand inside a glove and are actually ONE with the creature. I have heard others as well claim they merely think the next move and the horse is THERE.

Thoughts are THINGS. Animals pick this vibration up easily because they are masters at it. They use it continually.

Communication with Sasquatch

Folks assume there must only be a few Big Foot around and that it is questionable if they even exist since no remains are found. It is from my life long experience that I assure you they are real and I further attest to the fact that there are more around us than meets the eye.

Understanding interspecies communication from all of what I have explained previously they are telepathic human beings that have the ability to change the rate of their vibration, possibly in the way we might change our emotions. Thus allowing them to walk other dimensions unobserved by our visual capabilities unless utilizing our ‘whiskers’.

So little is known about them but it is my understanding that there are a number of variations within their races both physically as well as in their spiritual evolution. I surmise that some of them may be solely terrestrial and others are extraterrestrial. There are So many pieces of the puzzle to realize yet and so much we have yet to comprehend with our own reality. It would be wise of any serious researcher to leave the window open for all of the information gathered to be included so as much of the whole picture as possible is seen.

Let those with eyes to see see and those with ears to hear hear.